2019 Summer Camp Dates Announced
We’ll have five camps total this year:
Girl’s Camp: June 29 – July 5
Boy’s Camp: July 6 – 12
Boy’s Camp: July 13 – 19
Girl’s Camp: July 20 – 26
Boy’s Camp: July 27 – August 2
We’ll have five camps total this year:
Girl’s Camp: June 29 – July 5
Boy’s Camp: July 6 – 12
Boy’s Camp: July 13 – 19
Girl’s Camp: July 20 – 26
Boy’s Camp: July 27 – August 2
Our biggest fundraiser of the year is our annual Golf Tournament. This year the tournament was held on May 14, 2018 and it was a huge success in raising funds for our summer camps for youth. Due to big weather events in the mountains where our camp is located, and now beetle kill trees that must be felled, we needed to raise even more funds than ever before.
We cannot say thank you enough to all who sign up to participate, volunteer, and contribute to this worthy cause. We appreciate you and acknowledge all that you contribute to Morning Star Outreach. We couldn’t do this without your help and generous support!
Morning Star Outreach is facing the felling of numerous massive trees on it’s camp property in in the Bear Valley area of California – a costly and unexpected expense for this non-profit whose mission is to provide free summer camps for disadvantaged youth from inner cities.
Pine bark beetles typically attack weaker or distressed trees that have been impacted by drought or other situations. The beetles burrow into a tree’s inner bark and feed on it, and in the process infect it wit fungal diseases. Once they become active again, the tree infect are considered dead.
Removing the trees before the beetles explode from the trees later in the spring is become a priority. The best time to abate is during February and March due to reduced beetle activity and their life cycle.
There’s a real concern in the Bear Valley area about the infestation because the pine beetle infestation is spreading rapidly, and is an extremely difficult situation manage due to the density of the forest and size of infected trees. The cost to remove trees can easily run into the tens of thousands – money MSO allocated for adding more summer camps and making needed improvements to the camp itself.
As a result, Morning Star Outreach is asking for donations of any amount to help to defray the costs of cutting down the infested trees on their property.
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.
― John Bunyan
There are so many ways to give to further our mission here at Morning Star Outreach. Below are a few ideas for ongoing giving that makes an enormous difference in the lives of youth who want only to dream of the possibility of attending summer camp. MSO makes that dream a reality for youth every year, and we continue to do so because of the generosity of so many.
We are humbled, and blessed. Thank you.
Here are ideas for giving all year long that you might not know about:
Morning Star Outreach held another successful Golf Tournament in 2017. We continue to be grateful for all of those who contributed, volunteered, and gave generously to help at risk youth experience a “first-in-a lifetime” summer camp. We are grateful for all of you!
We recently purchased new, badly needed, appliances for our camp kitchen. The appliances are going to vastly improve MSO’s kitchen, and no doubt reach happy campers with wonderful meals prepared just for them.
This operating expense totaled $11,000 – a bit hit – but something much needed.
As you can see from the images below, Bear Valley, California got an unusually large amount of snow this past winter! Despite the historic levels of snow, camp is open and looking lush and green for our campers this year.
Morning Star Outreach’s first camp of summer 2017 begins in just a few days on July 1st, and we couldn’t be more excited to begin welcoming our camping kids to what we know is the ‘happiest place on earth’.
For a full camp schedule, click here.
Volunteers: from transport to cooking to leading activities and administrative tasks – we can always use more hands! Volunteers please email us at blessedb777@gmail.com or call us at the number below.
Questions about MSO’s summer camps? Call us at 510-886-8558.
The 2017 Golf Tournament on May 15th was a resounding success. We are grateful to our sponsors, volunteers, and those who contributed in many ways large and small in order to fund MSO summer camps for kids. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
Camp #1: July 1 – 7 Girls
Joelyn Watters (925) 207-4012, jwatters872@gmail.com
Camp #2 July 8 – 14 Boys
Rob Walker (925) 586-3920, rnbwalker@newhopepeople.com
Camp #3 July 15 – 21 Boys
Brandon Reeves (925) 783-7159, blessedb777@gmail.com
Camp #4 July 29 – Aug 4 Girls
Danielle Galamy (925) 435-7476, dgalamay07@yahoo.com
Camp #5 Aug 5 – 11 Boys
Trevor Hamlin (925) 813-1437, trevor@hamlinlandscape.com
It’s here – our wrap-up of the exciting and blessed year that was 2016 for Morning Star Outreach! Based on our success in 2016, we feel we will be able to offer another girl’s camp in 2017! Click here to get the full report.